Saturday, January 4, 2014

The lesson of gaming

I confess to becoming a Sims addict in the space of one day.

I am not normally a gamer, keeping mostly confined to problem solving games such as Myst, Riven and Starship Titanic.

However, there is something quite soothing and addictive in creating a virtual world, and the hustle bustle industriousness of the Sims world. I find it both intriguing and disturbing at the same time.

If I do not feed my Sim, it will die. If I do not tuck it into bed when it's energy is low it will fall on the ground, exhausted. It does what I tell it to do. It combats, steals, prays, preaches, creates potions, makes meals, drinks cider, plants seeds, gathers vegetables, plants and fishes to trade with the merchant for Simoles.

It has been a revelation as I realise I have lost today completing 34 of 42 challenges, and will probably not stop until I have completed all my missions.

As I forcibly stop myself for a period of reflection, I wonder what this says about me. I focus to the point of ignoring all else. This can be seen in my personal and professional life. It is both amusing and frustrating to those around me at once.

Gaming is an interesting way to learn about oneself.

Anyway. Back to my quests.


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