Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hello Uncertainty

Hi there, long time no blog! (geez, have I heard that one before?)

I am 1-day out from the precipice of uncertainty and it feels fucking fantastic!

I have thrown in my lot with chance, fate, kismet. I have finally given myself over to absolute, 100% uncertainty. Me, the most "under control, OCD, planned" person there is!

There is no safety net right now, and it feels glorious!

Even if, in a few weeks' or months' time I take another path within corporate life, for the time being I revel in the pure bliss of the unknown.

I am taking a chance on me, on creativity. I am placing trust into the universe that I will manifest something that is right for me. Tonight I started a screenwriting course that may just be a lark, a fling, a chance to let my free spirit and imagination soar.... but who knows where it may lead.

I am so inspired by the decision to do..... nothing.... for the time being. I really am. Although there is also a part of me that is wondering "how long will this last?" and there is a part of my brain that is catalogue-ing all the possible avenues I have to approach to place boundaries and certainty to this glorious life. I really hope I can stave that impulse off for a little while longer..... I am really enjoying the freedom and irresponsibility for the time being :)


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