Thursday, May 31, 2012

Don't blog angry...

I wish I could take my own advice, but I'm never that smart. So I'm blogging angry.

I've had the day, nay the week, from hell. All through no fault of my own. Now this rant mainly revolves around things outside my control at work, but could apply to other situations. It occurs to me that I put up my hand to help others, I take on feedback where I fall short in my relationships, and adjust my own behaviour to take into account that feedback.

But as soon as I ask for even a little of that in return.... nothing.

Nada. Zip. Zero.

Sayonara, silly lady.

This rant is squarely directed at things not going so well at work. But, I am going to have another go at the Universe now. Just cos I am feeling angry and not all that "go-with-the-flow"-y.

The universe sucks sometimes. I just don't get it. When is it my turn, huh?

I really do choose to see the positive in my situation, I know I have it a hell of a lot easier than a lot of others (99% of the world's population, even). But seriously? I'm angry. That just explains it. I'm pissed off and angry and just so mad at the world that I could rip everything to pieces and start again as a Tibetan lama in the hillsides of Nepal.

Of course I'm not going to do that.

But days like today, it's oh so tempting...

Okay, I'm done now. Self-indulgence over.

Normal service resuming shortly.


  1. Anger is normal. Repressing it is unhealthy. YOU GO GIRL.

  2. Anger is normal. Repressing it is unhealthy. YOU GO GIRL.
