Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a girl wants

I have recently had cause to counsel someone about feeling one way and yet acting in a way opposite to those feelings. I called it "not living authentically".

I want to explore that concept for me. I am about to encounter a few changes in my life, some have already been underway for some time. Others are just beginning. I have been doing life coaching for almost 3 months now, and it has been an inspiration to see how laying values out explicitly and seeing where the gaps are, can be completely transformational.

Even when I am not looking for transformation, it's come looking for me.

What do I actually want out of life, then? I am going to just list things as they occur to me, relying on my right brain "instinctual" side to answer this:

  • love
  • family
  • health
  • movement
  • travel
  • adventure
  • authenticity
  • emotional stability
  • mental stability
  • compassion
  • understanding
  • seeking
  • questioning
  • excellence
  • truth
  • beauty
  • warmth
  • confidence
  • humour
  • sponteneity
  • courage
  • conviction
  • erudition
  • spirituality
  • peace
  • love
I realise I have repeated love. It's important.


  1. I like that 'love' is first and last; a purposeful and yet unexpected cycle that speaks volumes. I like it.

  2. You should get your red pen out and cross a few of those off as "done".
    Authenticity you obviously already have in spades. And compassion, understanding, seeking, questioning? Tick tick tickety-boo.
    Humour seems to be a given, as is erudition. Courage? Well, you post blogs about how you feel, so another big red tick there.
    Beauty? You, as a clever woman, should know that beauty comes from who we are and what we do, so I guess you've got that one licked as well.
    The rest? I don't know you well enough to comment yet. But I'd wager they're probably also quite at risk of the Coming of the Red Pen.
    I say switch off that pesky right brain, and come up with a new list compiled by that logical left bit.
    Start it with: Stop making lists about what I want, and start making lists about what I have.
    Oh, and buy milk.

  3. Oh sorry, I meant this as a list that I live my life to, as the values that I hold dear, not as a list of things that I want! That's all :)
