Tuesday, December 21, 2010

All I want for Christmas

I have been thinking a lot about my Christmas wishlist, as we do a sweep within my family. Try as I might this year, I could not think of a single compelling "thing" that I desperately needed or wanted.

There are things I wouldn't mind having, but they are not really what I'd suggest someone to give me for as a gift for Christmas.

I am a big believer that experiences and memories are more valuable than "things" when it comes to gifts. And the very very sad fact is that I don't have anyone special to create those memories with at the moment, and haven't had this for quite some time. I have dated, I have met people, I have given each opportunity the best chance I could at the time. I do my best, I put on my bravest face to meet every day with a smile and my positive attitude. But so often I am ground down by this single fact, that all I really want for Christmas (and the rest of the year) is someone who "gets" me, someone that I "get", someone to create memories with for the rest of our lives.

I am 37. I am gainfully employed. I own my own home. I am funny. I am intelligent. I am not so bad looking. I am kind. I cook. I bake! Whatever baggage I have accumulated, I have also created a very stable way of moving forward without it weighing me down too much. I am great company. I am fun to be around. I have hobbies. I am not a psycho-scary Sydney princess who just wants someone to take care of her while she pops out babies.

I seriously do not understand why I am have not met him, the one who is ready for me, who lights my fire, who responds to mine. I do not understand what more I need to do, what more growth I need to have. Surely if I am ready, he should appear, that's been the promise from all the New Age positive thinking and mantras I bought into over the years.

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