Friday, December 24, 2010

Great moments of 2010

2010 is coming to a close, and it's time to reflect on the great things that happened, the not so great things, and the journey that is coming to a close for another year.

While it has been another rollercoaster, I have felt more in control of my destiny than ever before. I have felt more stable and capable of driving rather than being a passenger of my life. While certain goals have not manifested, I can see that I have come closer than ever to achieving them.

It's been a year of closing doors to some things that have not been healthy patterns. It has been a year of great awakenings and self awareness. It has been blessed from start to finish with incredible growth. And, as much as I bellyache from day to day about not getting what I want, or feel that I deserve, I always come back to the great lesson that life is teaching me: patience.

My list of great moments of 2010.

1. I finished my second triathlon, and bought a tri-bike custom built for the task
2. I shed my inhibitions and stood naked with over 5,000 fellow Sydneysiders on the steps of the Opera House
3. I rediscovered my love of baking
4. I learnt the art of cupcake decorating
5. I did half of the Level Three improvisation course
6. I made new blogger friends AND new friends in my neighbourhood
7. I travelled to Hay for a Sex and the Country photoshoot
8. I did half of a Stand Up Comedy course
9. I dated three men during the year... the most recent one came closest to Mr Right, even though he wasn't "ready for a relationship"... this is at least a positive step
10. I started my kinesiology business and finished all the requirements for my Cert IV
11. I came up with a great idea for a TV series, which I am about to start collaborating on with a friend
12. I started seeing a Life Coach and have finally pinned down my real goals and values in life
13. I have participated in, and supported, multiple improvisation comedy shows
14. I co-wrote two songs for a friend's band
15. I wore more dresses, and didn't stress so much about how I looked in them
16. Very importantly.... whenever the Black Dog bit... I didn't push my friends away... I asked for help... and I kept smiling :)
17. I started slowing down
18. I visited my family much more than in recent years
19. I started meditating again
20. I felt more connected to and more loved than ever before in my life by my friends and family. This has been the ultimate achievement for me.


  1. That is the greatest achievement of all eh? (no:20) what a great year Tash.ONe of my highlights was certainly meeting you. I look forward to connecting with you more in 2011 and sharing lessons , triumphs and challenges witn you as we have this year x

  2. Thanks so much for that, Sharni. It was a special year, and one of those moments was meeting you and your incredible thirst for life and grand plans. I look forward to seeing what you will do next! x

  3. Hi babe, this is the first time I've seen your blog and what a lovely blog to read. It's been an amazing year for you my friend and it will only get better. BTW Mr. Right obviously wasn't Mr. Right or he would have been "ready" - you'll find an ace man - one that adores and worships you and I can tell you, it feels great when it happens.

    Big big love and Christmas kisses

  4. Thanks for reading Andrea! Big hugs for you and your fam xox

  5. ps. that's what my sister said (about the guy)... but we both agreed he was a massive step in the right direction :)

  6. you are a constant source of inspiration to me. seriously, i cannot thank you enough for helping me keep my head high and powering on.

  7. Thanks Tess... this blog is mostly about inspiring myself to keep my head high and powering on, so if it inspires even one other person, then that's a bonus :)

