Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011, what are we going to create together?

My last post was about reviewing the year that was.

This post is about what I would like to create in 2011.

As opposed to previous years, I will not be listing "New Year's Resolutions" or lists of what I "want". I will be trying to focus on the journey, on the processes that I would like to create. Situations or feelings or habits that I'd like to form. I would like to avoid looking for an outcome, for setting myself expectations on what I want to "achieve" in the past has only led to stress and anxiety and sadness when "it doesn't happen for me."

Say it with me, folks.... the journey is just as important as the destination. As The Muppets sang in Moving Right Along "getting there is half the fun, come share it with me...."

1. Being present in the moment - starting each day with a 10 or 15 minute simple meditation will help me bring mindfulness into my outlook... whether the day will be challenging or not, focusing on my thoughts, my centre and my breath always creates that space of peace within me

2. Stretch in the morning and every so often throughout my working day - simply stretching my limbs and torso will not only provide physical relief, but help sustain a flexible attitude as well.

3. "Do I really need it?" is what I will be asking myself each time I have a desire to buy something, be that a CD, DVD, impulse food item, or service. I have created a savings goal this year for the first time in a long time, and hitting that goal means sticking to a limit on "pleasure" purchases. I have budgeted for them, but it is not limitless which is how I viewed them in the past.

4. Take time off (related to #3's savings plan) - I will allow myself to take "real" holidays once again. My last trip was in 2007 to Thailand, and over the summer I took myself up the coast for sun, sand and saltwater. It did my soul no end of good. in 2011 I will be taking time off for more distant travel. I deserve time off, and to enjoy it.

5. Truly savour what I eat. I will not view food as restricted or dietary, but I will be mindful once more of what I am eating. I will savour it. I will enjoy it fully. And I will ensure that it fuels my activities in the best possible way.

6. Create more activity in daily life, be it walking to work, getting to the gym 3 times a week, or cycling and swimming on the weekend. I will enjoy how moving makes my body feel strong and flexible again.

7. Be open to love in all forms. Whether that continues to be friendship and extended family, or whether that includes meeting a special someone. Just be open to what life serves me in this arena.

8. Be creative, keep writing, keep performing, keep watching.

9. Smile.

10. Be.


  1. Hi Natasha
    I think this is a great set of not-resolutions. It's a good guide to living! For myself I especially like no. 3 - I need to start asking myself "do I really need it" when I go to buy things.
    Have fun in 2011, hope to see you soon

  2. I admire you, chica. Girl power! Here's to an excellent 2011. xxx
