Friday, September 9, 2011

An exercise in gratitude

I had a thought this morning as I was on the treadmill, waiting for my trainer to make the next half an hour of my life a living hell.... I wasn't looking forward to it, and then suddenly my mind said "Tash, you're going about this the wrong way. You should be grateful that you are here." and an interesting conversation ensued.

Tash's normal inner voice: Huh?

Tash's wise and gracious inner voice: Well, I've noticed you do this a lot. You look at the negative side of the situation rather than focus on the positive.

Tash's normal inner voice: So what should I be doing about the times I feel uncomfortable, lonely or sad? Should I pretend I am not feeling those things?

Tash's wise and gracious inner voice: No, of course not, you know how badly that goes. You end up suppressing those emotions and getting anxious. But, I have an idea on how you can transform those uncomfortable situations.

Tash's normal inner voice <sarcastically>: This should be good.

Tash's wise and gracious inner voice: Why not practice a moment of gratitude? When you feel physically uncomfortable from being asked to run longer and faster than you think you are capable of, why not think how grateful you are to be able to run at all. Or grateful that you can run further than last week, and grateful for the changes you can already feel in your body?

Tash's normal inner voice: Will that help?

Tash's wise and gracious inner voice: It can't hurt, surely. Try it for a week and see how you feel. Oh, and it applies to any situation. For example, when you feel sad that you still are not with 'The One', why not practice gratitude for the time you have been given to focus 100% on yourself, and say a moment of "thanks Universe, for my continued licence to be selfish".... [inner voice winks at this point.... I don't know how it did this, but it did]

Tash's normal inner voice: And what else?

Tash's wise and gracious inner voice: Well, every time you feel overwhelmed at work, or when the day is dragging and you have to do something that has to be done, rather than what you want to do, why not stop and thank the Universe that you have a great job with wonderful bosses and co-workers, in a safe and clean and healthy environment where your life is not being threatened.... you know, things that we all take for granted in our priveleged lives...

Tash's normal inner voice: Oh come on, now you're trying to make me feel guilty...

Tash's wise and gracious inner voice: Maybe a little.... there is a little bit of demon in every angel on your shoulder and vice versa.... now get off the treadmill and go and do the BEST 30 minute PT session you have done yet!

Tash's normal inner voice: HELL YEAH!!!

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