In the winter months our fearless firies do much-needed backburning of dry leaves and undergrowth that can become fuel for our raging bushfires during our summer months.
It can be painful and cause smoke and people complain, but it is for the greater good.
After a painful month of introspection and introversion, I've decided to declare 2012 as my relationship winter, where I can focus on the dead wood, undergrowth and dry leaves of worry and cares that I seem to have kept carrying around without noticing.
I know I have been here before, and said this before, but this time I am deadly serious. 12 months off from all relationship worries, advice, seeking, searching and cares. 2012 is my year of backburning which will prepare me for a summer of love with no fuel available to foster the out-of-control fire that seems to destroy my past attempts at relationships.
I have all the tools and all the awareness I need, I am not going to search any further for guidance. Meditation, fostering inner peace, doing exercise, healthful living and focus on self-love should do the trick.
It can be painful and cause smoke and people complain, but it is for the greater good.
After a painful month of introspection and introversion, I've decided to declare 2012 as my relationship winter, where I can focus on the dead wood, undergrowth and dry leaves of worry and cares that I seem to have kept carrying around without noticing.
I know I have been here before, and said this before, but this time I am deadly serious. 12 months off from all relationship worries, advice, seeking, searching and cares. 2012 is my year of backburning which will prepare me for a summer of love with no fuel available to foster the out-of-control fire that seems to destroy my past attempts at relationships.
I have all the tools and all the awareness I need, I am not going to search any further for guidance. Meditation, fostering inner peace, doing exercise, healthful living and focus on self-love should do the trick.