Sunday, January 29, 2012

I am enough

I was reading the Sunday papers this morning with my chocolate hot cross bun and double espresso, wondering why I didn't get up at 5am to get to cycle training, and beating myself up mentally about it...

Then I read something that helped me a lot.

It was an article in the Body and Soul section of the Telegraph, about an article on self esteem, and the link to love. There was a study done which found links from peoples' beliefs that they were intrinsically worthy of love, and how they felt about themselves. Or something.

Maybe I should go back down and grab the paper and re-read it, because I'm sure I have that wrong now.*

Anyways, the point of the article was that we should all just be thinking "I am enough". POOF! Instant cure.

I'mma gonna try it anyway.

"I am enough"

*UPDATE: It was in the SUN-Herald, S-Well section. "The Price of Shame". Excerpt: "Connecting with others is what gives life meaning but, according to Brown, for many of us our ability to connect with those around us is too often undermined by a sense of shame."

"After thousands of research interviews she was able to divide people into those who felt worthy of "love and belonging" and those whose shame made them feel unworthy."

"Those who felt worthy embraced their own vulnerability. The others, however, numb their vulnerability with drink, drugs, food and spending."

I am SO guilty of doing this, numbing my vulnerability with all of these things, so compassion towards self is the first step to getting closer to feeling worthy of love. This is so tied up with what I am doing for my body, it's not funny. I always thought my search for love and search for a better, healthier, body were two different things, despite my family and friends pointing out that as soon as I mastered one, the other would follow suit.

So, being enough, is that enough to get me up earlier and get to my early morning sessions where I need to be self-directing rather than having an appointment with a trainer who yells at me if I cancel? I think that's the key!

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